Installer trip to Slovenia

We're thrilled to be back in Slovenia! This time, we are hosting a visit for a group of UK installers and consultants, giving them an exclusive look at KRONOTERM's cutting-edge products.
ADR Consulting Engineers Ltd, IMS Heat Pumps Limited, ECO MEP, Vietec Heating Limited, matrix energy systems.
Our journey began with a tour of their state of the art manufacturing facility, showing the meticulous design processes and rigorous quality control first-hand. We also delved into a comprehensive training session covering some of the products in their range, highlighting their features, functionality and best practice for installers.
We concluded the first day with a trip to a nearby vineyard and waterfall providing a great opportunity to unwind, connect, and experience some of the fantastic Slovenian culture. If you'd like to learn more about installing KRONOTERM heat pumps, get in touch with us today!